The holiday season can be the most exhilarating and exhausting part of the calendar. With so many extra demands on your time, your house cleaning, dusting, and sanitizing efforts may slip down the list. You need effective holiday cleaning hacks to save some time.
Because holidays involve more gatherings and more food preparation, you don’t want to fall behind on cleaning. Our team at More Grime Than Time can help you with our trustworthy professional cleaning services. Until then, you can make use of these holiday cleaning hacks, which are proven to help busy homeowners with house cleaning in the Plymouth area.
Prepare Your Home for Seasonal Bliss
You want to enjoy your time spent with friends and family during holiday gatherings. It’s easier to relax when you know your home is presenting a clean and inviting atmosphere. Try these strategies to create a cozy space:
- Declutter: Your cleaning efforts are more effective when you remove clutter, enhancing the appearance and comfort level of your home. When you declutter, you have a far easier time deep-cleaning your home because you don’t have to work around items that are just in the way.
- Organization: Take the time to organize your items, which streamlines your house cleaning efforts. Deploying simple storage solutions, like bins for out-of-season clothes, will keep these items out of the way when you’re cleaning.
Efficient Holiday Cleaning Strategies
Try these holiday cleaning hacks to reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning.
Master Time-Saving Hacks
At work, your boss may have told you to work smarter, not harder. The same hack can apply to house cleaning in Plymouth.
Split the cleaning tasks among family members. Focus the primary cleaning on food preparation and serving areas, which guests will appreciate.
Task Prioritization
Don’t feel like you have to clean the entire house from top to bottom during the holiday season. Focus on areas where your guests will spend time. Pay attention to the guest bedroom and bathroom while cleaning the basement another time.
Leverage Modern Tools
If you have modern cleaning tools, like robot vacuums that can handle some of the work while you’re focusing elsewhere, deploy them.
Essential Kitchen Cleaning Hacks
Cleaning the kitchen thoroughly is one of the most important holiday cleaning hacks. When you’re preparing and serving extra food during the holidays, a sanitized kitchen is a must. Try these kitchen cleaning hacks:
- Keep up with dishwashing so they don’t pile up in the sink and draw pests.
- For stain removal on counters, try vinegar and baking soda.
- Clean up after every meal to minimize the mess.
- Ask family members to help by giving them specific tasks to do in the kitchen.
- If you have a big gathering coming up, consider eating out for a meal beforehand to avoid messing up your clean kitchen.
- You can use one high-quality, all-purpose cleaner for nearly all kitchen cleaning tasks.
Solutions for Busy Holiday Spaces
When you are hosting a holiday gathering, you know that certain spaces in the home receive a lot more use than others. Consider focusing most of your cleaning time and effort on these areas, such as the guest bathroom, living room, and kitchen.
Keep plenty of microfiber cloths handy to do a quick dusting. Use them with spray to quickly disinfect these areas for guests who are visiting on short notice.
Ask family members to avoid using the guest bathroom after you clean it, keeping it tidy.
If you want to keep the home looking festive without creating clutter that complicates cleaning, swap out your existing pieces. Change out your normal wall hangings for holiday-themed photos and art. Replace your favorite knickknacks with holiday items for the season.
Maintain a Festive Home with These Cleaning Hacks From More Grime Than Time
When your house cleaning in Plymouth needs a boost before guests arrive, try these holiday cleaning hacks. It’s not easy to keep up with everything during the holidays, but being more efficient when cleaning your home can make the season feel more festive.
If you want some help with cleaning to get you started on the right foot, More Grime Than Time is ready to serve you. You can trust our professional cleaners to do the job perfectly. Call us today at (734) 459-9866 for help.